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Record information from Scottish public to Crimestoppers helps keep Scotland safe

Communities are at the heart of our charity’s success. 

Last year, between 31st March 2023 - 1st April 2024, we received a record 18,000 contacts from the Scottish public.
 This includes information given to us via our Fearless youth service.

Our charity’s annual impact campaign, supported by Network Rail Scotland, saw the highest amount of information in 36 years of Crimestoppers. 

In the run up to Valentine’s Day, Crimestoppers Scotland wants to thank the Scottish public who are the heart of our success, by trusting our charity with their information. The campaign highlights our impact thanks to the reports.

Scotland impact campaign launchThe campaign launch at Glasgow Central Station. Left to right: Angela Parker, Crimestoppers' National Manager - Scotland; Siobhian Brown, Minister for Community Safety and Victims; Inness Keith, Health and Safety Director, Network Rail Scotland. 
Our campaign is being shared across social media -  and, thanks to Network Rail Scotland, look out for Crimestoppers at railway stations across Scotland. Our charity, partners and volunteers will be distributing special thank you cards and chocolates.

As a result of anonymous information from communities across Scotland, over 350 (351) people were arrested and charged, including two with murder. A record £6.5 million in the street value of drugs was also recovered 

 Information from the public has achieved the following:

  • 351 criminals were arrested and charged by police due to Crimestoppers information in Scotland
  • 2 people were arrested and charged with murder/unlawful killings 
  • 6 Wanted Persons were arrested and charged
  • 61 drink/drug drivers were arrested and charged

Scotland impact figures

Thanks to police action after receiving Crimestoppers reports, nearly a thousand positive outcomes followed (944). Good outcomes as a result of information given to Crimestoppers can mean a referral to a health or social support agency, or a positive intervention was made.

Scotland impact campaign launchSiobhian Brown, Minister for Community Safety and Victims, at the campaign launch at Glasgow Central Station

"People and community safety are at the heart of Crimestoppers in Scotland. It’s vital we thank the Scottish public for continuing to trust our charity and let the people know how their information is helping to keep Scotland safe. 

The record number of contacts to Crimestoppers Scotland not only took criminals off our streets and solved crimes but created over 1,000 good outcomes for thousands of people. This includes ensuring justice for victims of crime or helping the most vulnerable in our communities engage with support agencies.

Crimestoppers is the only charity that offers a unique ‘100% anonymous. Always’ guarantee. Our charity has never broken this promise, so please continue to contact us if you know or suspect who is committing crime."
Angela Parker, National Manager for Crimestoppers Scotland

11 February 2025