Give information anonymously

Your anonymity is 100% guaranteed. We are not interested in who you are, only what you know, so the more detail you give us the better. 

There may be times when information received by Crimestoppers is passed on to our trusted partner organisations. Crimestoppers will only share this information to help keep communities and workplaces safe.

Crimestoppers is not the police We are an independent charity working to help communities
Nobody will know you have helped us Your computer and mobile phone IP addresses cannot be tracked or saved. It's completely anonymous
We pay cash rewards of up to £1,000

If the information you give us leads to an arrest or is of significant use you will be rewarded. See our 'Rewards for information' page for full details.

Information we cannot process

As we are not the police, sometimes you may want to pass us information that we cannot process. Please see our advice for passing on information about the following:

  • Crimestoppers is not an emergency service, so please dial 999 to contact the police in an emergency.

    If you need to contact the police, but it is not an emergency, please call 101 from anywhere in the UK to get through to your local police force.

  • We are unable to take information directly from victims of crime because we operate an anonymous service. If you are a victim of crime, please contact the police immediately. You may also want to get in touch with the charity Victim Support - you can call their free Supportline on 08 08 16 89 111

  • To report benefit fraud to the Department for Work and Pensions, please call the National Benefit Fraud Hotline on 0800 854 440.

  • You can report this to Action Fraud – please call 0300 123 2040.

    If you live in Scotland, you should report to Police Scotland by calling 101 or contact Advice Direct Scotland on 0808 164 6000.

  • Only the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) can assist with issues regarding untaxed vehicles. Contact the DVLA with your information.

  • Reports must be made directly to the police, as they need sworn witness testimony to pursue driving offences including:  
    • speeding    
    • driving whilst on the phone    
    • not wearing a seatbelt

  • Only your local authority can deal with dumped vehicles. Find my local authority.

  • Only your local authority can deal with noise complaints. Find my local authority.

  • If this is a one-off, you need to contact your local authority. To report large-scale illegal dumping (such as lorries dumping rubbish) and hazardous waste, you CAN contact us anonymously.

  • We can only take information if there is criminal involvement with the disappearance and when there is a police appeal. Where there is NOT a police appeal, please contact the charity Missing People by calling or texting 116 000, or emailing