Why donate to Crimestoppers?

Support the 700,000 people who contact us every year with information on a crime. Every donation, whether large or small, helps us in our fight against crime in the community.

Over 151,000 Arrests & charges
Over 2.2m Actionable calls received
More than £139m of stolen goods recovered
How we spend your donations

How we spend your donations

It is because of the people who take part in events, fundraise in their communities, make regular donations, as well as the trusts, foundations and companies who so generously support our work that we are able to give people the power to speak up and stay safe.

Our annual impact report shows the different ways weʼve helped over the past financial year. It details how weʼve made progress against our strategic aims, how Crimestoppers is organised and how weʼve funded our work. 

Find out more 

How your donations help

£5 pays for a school pack to help teachers educate young people about falling into the serious consequences of crime
£10 contributes towards Crimestoppers' investment in guaranteeing your anonymity, so more people can speak up about crime that hurts our communities
£25 helps us to ensure there is always someone there, 24 hours a day, to provide vulnerable people with a safe and anonymous way to pass on information
£50 contributes to campaigns against local crime such as child sexual exploitation, knife violence and burglary