Spotlight on rising harm to wildlife - we urge people to speak up

We have launched the second phase of a campaign across Gloucestershire encouraging people to speak up about those responsible for harming the countryside.
Criminal gangs are harming wildlife with activities like hare coursing and badger baiting, which are streamed online by betting syndicates to raise money for other criminal activities or to launder money.
Figures show that in England and Wales, badger baiting went up 22.7% from 2021 to 2022. *
We are asking the public to spot the signs of rural crime and to give us information 100% anonymously.
We are independent of the police and give the public an alternative option to pass on what they know about crime whilst never giving any personal details. We never ask for your personal details, just what you know about crime.
“Hare coursing and badger baiting are incredibly cruel, and this activity affects rural businesses, who often have gates broken and crops destroyed. On top of that, the criminals involved think nothing of threatening farmers with violence and intimidation to ensure they don’t report the crime.
“Rural communities and businesses are often aware that crime is happening, but for a variety of reasons they may not want to talk to the police; that’s why the existence and availability of our anonymous service is so important.
“By telling Crimestoppers what you know whilst staying completely anonymous, whether you live in or are visiting a rural area in Gloucestershire, we can all make a difference.”Beth Simpson, Crimestoppers Regional Manager
To report rural crime 100% anonymously, fill in our secure online form or call our 24/7 UK Contact Centre on 0800 555 111, 365 days of the year. In an emergency, always call 999.
You can use the free what3words app to report the exact location of an incident. The words can either be copied and pasted into our
rural crime form or pass it on to a member of staff at our UK Contact Centre when you call to give information anonymously.
Please note: Computer IP addresses are never traced and no-one will ever know you contacted us. For telephone calls, there is no caller line display, no 1471 facility and we have never traced a call.
* Wildlife and Countryside Link’s Wildlife crime in 2022 report.
30 October 2024