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Yorkshire: We ask for anonymous information in drive to protect precious birds of prey

Crimestoppers illegal killings of birds of prey campaign

At the start of National Rural Crime Action Week (18-24 September), we have launched a campaign across North Yorkshire appealing for people to speak up with anonymous information about the illegal killings of birds of prey. 
All wild birds, their nests, and their eggs are protected by law. It is illegal to intentionally kill, injure or take wild birds and offences can carry a prison sentence of up to six months.
Species such as golden eagles, peregrine falcons, buzzards, red kites and hen harriers are shot, poisoned and illegally trapped, with their nests and eggs frequently being disturbed.

As well as being incredibly cruel to the birds, many of which are increasingly rare in the wild, the spring traps used present a danger to people, and the poisons deployed can be dangerous even in very small amounts to humans as they can be absorbed through the skin.
Signs to spot:

  • Dead birds of prey lying next to dead pigeons, rabbits, pheasants or other potentially poisoned baits. It is important not to touch anything.
  • Live birds of prey caught in a trap.
  • Spring traps set out in the open that are not within a cage tunnel or other enclosed tunnel structure.
  • Any spring traps set out on top of a post – known as ‘pole traps.

“If you find a dead bird or suspicious object in the countryside, this could be a wildlife crime scene. Every piece of information we are given anonymously and pass on may be crucial in helping to catch those who are responsible.  
“It’s important not to disturb the scene by touching or moving anything and it’s vital never to approach any suspects yourself as they may react violently. If it is safe to do so, please take photographs of what you see.
“We hear from people every day who contact our unique service 100% anonymously to tell us about those involved in wildlife abuse. By telling Crimestoppers what you know, whether you live in or are visiting a rural area, we can pass on what you tell us. There’s no comeback. Together we can make all the difference by helping to protect these precious birds.”

Gemma Gibbs, Crimestoppers Yorkshire & Humberside Regional Manager

find out more about this crime on north yorkshire police's bird of prey persecution page 

If you have information about those behind the illegal killings of birds of prey in North Yorkshire and you want to remain 100% anonymous, tell Crimestoppers what you know. Fill in a secure anonymous online form, here on our website, or call our 24/7 UK Contact Centre on freephone 0800 555 111.

In an emergency, always call 999.

You can use the free what3words app to report the exact location of an incident. The words can either be copied and pasted into our Crimestoppers rural crime form or a Crimestoppers Call Agent can be told over the phone when you call to give anonymous information. 

Please note: Computer IP addresses are never traced and no-one will ever know you contacted Crimestoppers. For telephone calls, there is no caller line display, no 1471 facility and the charity has never traced a call.

Find out more about wildlife crime.