
Wishing you a safe and enjoyable Christmas and New Year

Mark Hallas, Crimestoppers' CEO

Mark Hallas, Crimestoppers' Chief Executive, pauses to reflect on the charity’s contribution over the past year…

Thank you.

It’s something that I’m unable to say personally to the heroes that contact us every hour of every day. They know that they can trust Crimestoppers with their information about crime and we’re incredibly proud to be able to support them to speak up completely anonymously. 

Thank you, also, to our fantastic staff and volunteers.  

From our national Contact Centre staff who work around the clock, to our regional managers, Fearless youth workers, and volunteers: your combined commitment helps this charity stay relevant. 

People’s trust in Crimestoppers 

The need for our service is greater than ever. There are now over 200,000 reports sent to police, each year.

That’s more than 2,000 people contacting our charity every day. Their information makes a difference and keep people, communities and workplaces safe. 

Trust and confidence remains a key stumbling block for institutions including the police. Crimestoppers continues to run services like the Metropolitan Police Anti-Corruption and Abuse Hotline. This helps protect the public and the majority of decent police officers and staff from the harm caused by corrupt and abusive officers. 

I’d like to offer praise for our Fearless team who engage with young people in a meaningful way and reassure them by showing that they always have a choice when reporting crime. 

We continue to reach people who have vital information through our campaigns. We’ve run over a hundred national and regional campaigns designed to reach the most vulnerable on issues of need. 

Our rewards continue to encourage those who might be in possession of vital and relevant information about an unsolved serious crime to come forward. Often a single call, or completed form via our website can change the course of an investigation and ensure justice for victims and their families. 

For 2024, we will strengthen our support for the public and for our police and commercial partners. This includes exploring and introducing new technology to provide a better service – but vitally, we will always be a ‘people’ charity. 

Finally, whatever you’re doing and wherever you are, I hope you have a lovely holiday and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

Mark Hallas