Speak up to help save lives.

Speak up to help save lives.

In the year ending March 2022, 282 people in England and Wales lost their lives to a knife or sharp instrument*. This represents a 19 per cent rise compared with the previous year, and the highest annual total since records began in 1946.

And in the year ending June 2022, 4,098 people were admitted to hospitals in England and Wales for attacks by sharp objects.

*figures from the Office for National Statistics.

As Covid continues to affect the National Health Service, we should continue to protect both the NHS and our communities from harm.

Now is the time to concentrate on reporting and reducing violent crime.

The pandemic has also put young people in a vulnerable position, due to a lack of employment opportunities.

In 2021, referrals of children suspected to be victims of by County Lines gangs increased by 23% from the already-high level in 2020 (Source: Official Statistics Modern Slavery: National Referral Mechanism and Duty to Notify statistics UK, end of year summary 2021).

Young people are at a greater risk of being exploited by these gangs due to false promises of easy money. We want to raise awareness amongst our older digital audiences of our youth service, Fearless.org, to ensure that anyone, regardless of age, feels comfortable speaking up and telling us what they know.

Ultimately, we want to let people know that by speaking up, 100% anonymously through Crimestoppers or Fearless.org , you can help stop violent crime.

Our new Silence Won’t Stop Violence campaign aims to drive people to report what they know about violent crime incidents or planned attacks using our unique anonymous reporting service.

Crimestoppers is working with a number of Violence Reduction Units across the UK to support a public health approach to tackling violence.

A public health approach to violence recognises that violence is a preventable problem requiring a societal response.

Our response is to offer individuals in communities a way to speak up about violent incidents, before or after they take place, 100% anonymously.

With your help, our Silence Won’t Stop Violence campaign aims to:

Educate – giving young people a voice to speak up

Crimestoppers' youth service Fearless.org was set up in 2010. It exists to give young people access to non-judgemental information and advice about crime and criminality.

Using the same anonymity guarantee as Crimestoppers, our Fearless.org service provides young people with a safe online place to give information to us about crime - 100% anonymously.

We’d value your help in educating young people about this free service to enable them to speak up, when talking to an adult about crime may not feel like an option.

Solve – it’s never too late to speak up

Have you witnessed a violent crime but were too scared to talk to the police? You can still talk to us. The only person who will know you’ve spoken to us is you. You’ll stay 100% anonymous. Always.

Your information can help bring justice to victims of violent crime and help prevent future incidents.  

Prevent - break the wall of silence around planned attacks.

We recognise that you may be close to crime but may also want to do the right thing and bring violence in your community to an end.

No matter how far down the wrong road you’ve gone - you can ALWAYS turn back.

You have the ability to prevent violent crime through telling us what you know in advance of planned violent attacks.

For further information about the realities of violent crime, click below:

County Lines

Serious and organised crime

Weapons crime


Silence Won’t Stop Violence.


If you’ve been affected by crime, Victim Support can give you the help you need to move forward.

Their services are free, confidential and available to anyone in England and Wales, regardless of whether the crime has been reported or how long ago it happened.

Call their free Supportline on 08 08 16 89 111.