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Serious violent crime can target anyone – new campaign launched

Crimestoppers serious violent crime campaign

With figures showing that serious violent crime is increasing, our new campaign aims to remind us all that by speaking up anonymously to Crimestoppers, we can all make a difference.

Over the decade prior to June 2024, the overall number of knife and offensive weapon offences in England and Wales has increased by 22% .* In 2023, Crimestoppers received almost 20,000 reports on firearms, knives and assault, harassment and violence.
Criminals use violence, exploitation and intimidation to control people and profit from the sale of drugs and other illegal activities. In this campaign, we are asking people to speak up and not to remain silent when violent criminals are known to them. Official Statistics

Any piece of information passed to our charity 100% anonymously could help to prevent harm and injury. Things you can tell us about include:

  • Who is supplying and selling guns
  • How and by who are these guns being transported
  • Where a weapon has been hidden or stored
  • Anyone in your area that carries a knife or gun
  • Those who have carried out recent shootings or stabbings
  • How weapons are disposed of after use
  • Whether you know about any planned violent attacks 

Tell us what you know - call 0800 555 111 any time or fill in our online form, here on our website:

Give information anonymously

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Crimestoppers serious violent crime campaign

Here are some examples of information given anonymously to our charity that made a difference:

  • Drug trafficker arrested, weapons and drugs seized

    Crimestoppers received information naming someone who was trafficking drugs and was in possession of knives and guns. The subsequent search by police at two named addresses uncovered a substantial quantity of crack cocaine and heroin at an estimated street value of £10,000, alongside £4,500 cash, and together with weapons (sword and gun) and 150-200 rounds of home-made ammunition. Two people were arrested and charged.
  • Fatal knife attack suspects arrested

    A young man was robbed at knifepoint and ultimately stabbed to death. Two men were arrested and charged with murder after key information was passed to Crimestoppers. The attack was targeted and planned.  
  • Weapons seized

    Crimestoppers received information about someone who was in possession of a number of weapons. Police searched the property and found an imitation firearm and a Rambo knife, as well as three knives in the suspect’s car.
  • Sex slavery stopped

    Several addresses operating as illegal brothels for many years under the guise of massage shops were identified from information given to our charity. The workers were victims of modern slavery and human trafficking and were safeguarded during a police raid. Arrests were made and all the businesses were closed down.  

“We know it can be difficult and intimidating to speak up about crime, especially if it involves somebody close to you. Crimestoppers, which is independent of the police, exists to give you peace of mind that no-one will ever know that you contacted our charity.

“Your information can help to bring justice to victims of violent crime and can help to prevent future incidents from happening. We can take information in over 140 different languages 100% anonymously, either online or by phone. Only you will ever know that you contacted Crimestoppers.

“Every year we receive thousands of actionable pieces of information; this leads to a significant number of arrests, millions of pounds-worth of drugs seized and weapons being taken off our streets.”

Gary Murray, Crimestoppers Serious and Organised Crime Lead

Please note: computer IP addresses are never traced and no-one will ever know you contacted us. For telephone calls, there is no caller line display, no 1471 facility and we have never traced a call.

Find out more about our campaign

7 March 2025