
£20,000 reward offered for information on murder of Charlene Hobbs from South Wales

We're offering a reward of up to £20,000 for information on the murder of Charlene Hobbs. 

Charlene Hobbs

The last confirmed sighting of Charlene, aged 35, was on a mobile phone photograph taken at a property in Broadway, Adamsdown, south of Cardiff at 6:07am on July 24, 2024. The day before, July 23, 2024, Charlene was seen on CCTV in Morrisons Local, Adamsdown. Her hair was in a bun, and she was wearing a dark strapless top, with a distinctive dragon tattoo visible on her back.

Charlene Hobbs CCTV image

Charlene Hobbs CCTV image 2

If you have information, you can tell us 100% anonymously - guaranteed. Call free on 0800 555 111 or fill in our online form, here on our website:

Give information anonymously

***The reward is available for three months and is due to expire on 17 June 2025.***

The reward is only payable for information passed directly to Crimestoppers, rather than the police, and is available for information our charity receives which leads to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the murder of Charlene Hobbs.

With Crimestoppers, computer IP addresses are never traced. Telephone calls are never recorded, there is no caller line display and no 1471 facility.

Give information to us by completing our secure online form, here on our website, or call our UK-based Contact Centre on 0800 555 111 24/7, 365 days a year.

“I am sure that there are people out there who have information about what happened to Charlene Hobbs, and I would urge them to speak to our charity 100% anonymously, to bring to justice anyone who was involved in her murder. 

“We know it can be difficult for some people to speak directly to the police, which is why Crimestoppers is here for you.

“Our charity is completely independent of the police, and we’ve been passing on information about crime whilst guaranteeing anonymity since we were established decades ago. It’s a promise we have always kept.
“Crimestoppers is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We cannot trace your call or track your IP address. No one will ever know you contacted us. This means no police, no courts, no witness statements. You may think your information is insignificant; however it could make all the difference.”
Hayley Fry, Crimestoppers Wales Regional Manager

Anonymity: We guarantee complete anonymity, meaning that people who call or contact us online can pass on what they know without ever giving any personal details. Computer IP addresses are never traced. Telephone calls are never recorded, there is no caller line display and no 1471 facility.
Claiming a reward: The reward will only be payable for information passed directly to Crimestoppers and not to the police. A reward code must be asked for when calling us on 0800 555 111. If you contact our charity via our online form anonymously, the 'keeping in contact’ facility must be used, and a reward code must be requested on your initial contact with us.
Read more about our rewards process – at the heart of which is ensuring you stay 100% anonymous.
17 March 2025