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South Yorkshire campaign to keep neighbourhoods safe from theft, robbery & burglary

South Yorkshire neighbourhood safety campaign

We've launched a new campaign to help reduce the number of thefts, robberies and burglaries across South Yorkshire.

Latest research has shown that theft and robberies have increased in the UK. * 

Using the Home Office’s Safer Streets funding, we are raising awareness of this issue and offering tips on what can be done to remain safe from all so-called acquisitive crime, which includes theft, robbery and burglary. We're also appealing for information given anonymously about those involved in this form of crime.
Across the UK, almost 200,000 homes suffered burglaries in England and Wales (in the year up to March 2023). The average loss equalled £2,856 per burglary. **
It’s incredibly traumatic to lose valuables and important personal items. The emotional shock of having your property invaded can also be deeply upsetting, as can being robbed in the street.
To pass on information 100% anonymously about anyone involved in robbery, burglary and theft, you can fill in our safe and secure form or call our 24/7 UK-based Contact Centre on 0800 555 111. Young people can also report crime via our charity’s youth service website

“Our charity knows that speaking up about crime is incredibly tough, especially if you’re passing on information about those who are potentially dangerous. We take tip-offs every day from concerned individuals who tell us anonymously what they know. They share our belief in wanting to help keep our communities safe.
“We are also reminding people that they can reduce the window of opportunity for theft, robbery and burglary by remaining vigilant, ensuring valuables are not on display when in public and locking all windows and doors before leaving home.

“If you know of anybody involved in theft, robbery or burglary, Crimestoppers - which is independent of the police - is here to take information from you 100% anonymously. We have no way of knowing who you are. We pass on what we are told to the police who decide how best to proceed. Whilst no one will ever know you contacted us, your information could help to keep people, homes and the things we value and need in our daily lives safe.”

Gemma Gibbs, Crimestoppers Regional Manager for Yorkshire & the Humber

“I’m pleased to see Safer Streets funding being used to highlight ways in which we can all keep our homes safer and deter burglaries, in collaboration with Crimestoppers.

“This joint approach allows us to reach audiences across South Yorkshire, targeting those who’ll benefit most from the messaging.

“I thank Crimestoppers and my commissioning team for their hard work in securing the funding and developing this campaign.”

South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner, Dr Alan Billings  

Top home security tips: 

1. If you can, fit burglar alarms with flashing lights and sounders at the front and back of your property.

2. Switch lights or a radio on when you go out.

3. Even if you’re only leaving for a few minutes, check that all doors and windows are properly closed and locked.

4. Make sure side and back gates are secure.

5. Don’t leave garden tools outside, keep ladders out of sight - and ensure sheds, garages and outbuildings are locked.

6. Fit tamper-proof automatic outside security lights.

7. Even when you’re at home, try not to leave accessible windows open at night.

8. If you’re going away on holiday, ask a neighbour to keep an eye on your home, take in any milk and newspaper deliveries, and if you have a vehicle, maybe park on your drive if you have one.

9. Don’t let yourself become a victim of a distraction burglary, where more than one person calls at your door, trying to dupe you into letting one caller in to burgle you whilst you are distracted by another one.

 Top tips to protect yourself from theft and robbery:

  • Be aware – victims tend to be chosen because they are vulnerable for some reason (e.g., being on their own, or distracted, or under the influence of alcohol).
  • Protect your mobile phone by being careful when using it outside train and bus stations, as these are popular venues for snatch theft, often by motorcycle or scooter.
  • Do not advertise your phone to thieves. Keep it hidden from view and keep public conversations short.
  • Never leave your bag, mobile phone, tablet, or valuable items unattended in public view.
  • Avoid talking on your mobile phone or listening to music on headphones when walking home at night alone.
  • Be aware of what’s going on around you and keep to well-lit, busy areas.
  • Be extra careful when using cash machines. Make sure no one is loitering too close and do not count your money in the middle of the street.
  • Don't keep all your valuables in one place if you can possibly avoid it.
  • Only have what is necessary when going out at night.
  • Be alcohol aware and drink responsibly. 

 Read more about keeping safe. 

Data sources: * Office for National Statistics - Crime in England and Wales: year ending March 2023; ** The 2022 ADT Burglary Report.