Making a difference – true Crimestoppers stories, anonymised
This small sample of crimes solved shows the real impact of our charity.
Please note that details of these cases have been changed to protect the identity of those involved.
Sex attacker stopped
An appeal about the violent sexual assault of a 17-year-old girl prompted our caller to get in touch. They told us about one of her attackers – no name, but where they worked. This small detail helped the police find and arrest the man.
Murderer returned to face justice
A man had been wanted for eight years in connection with an attempted murder. He was believed to be in Europe, but our caller provided an address in the UK. Officers found him there and arrested him, just two days after we passed on this critical information.
Family given safety
We were told about a man who was continuously beating his wife and using a stick to beat his two-year-old child. Police attended the address and he was found hiding in the bathroom. The family were looked after and given safety. The man, who had already broken bail conditions, was taken to court.
Women freed
We received details about a ‘pop up’ brothel using women who had been trafficked into the country. The information also listed four other locations across the region, with women being moved between them. Police arrested two people and helped the women at the original location. A much larger modern slavery investigation followed.
Crimestoppers guarantees complete anonymity, meaning that people who call us at any time on freephone 0800 555 111 or contacts us online can pass on what they know without giving any personal details.
Computer IP addresses are never traced. Telephone calls are never recorded, there is no caller line display and no 1471 facility.