20 years on from mysterious murder of Beverley Brinkley we double our reward to £20,000 in new appeal
We are offering a reward of up to £20,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for the murder of Beverley Brinkley.
Beverley was 35 years old when she was assaulted by two men in the communal stairwell of a block of flats in The Stow in Harlow, Essex.
The attack, on the evening of Sunday 2 February 2003, left Beverley with severe head injuries. When she was found, Beverley was bleeding heavily. Despite the best efforts of medical staff at Princess Alexandra Hospital and then Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Beverley died on Thursday 6 February.
A post mortem examination found that Beverley had died from her head injuries, having sustained a number of substantial fractures to her skull, along with a fractured shoulder.
Investigators continue to have an open mind about the motive for Beverley’s murder.
*** Our charity which is independent of the police - is supporting this investigation by offering a reward of up to £20,000 for information we exclusively receive that leads to the arrest and conviction of anyone linked to the murder of Beverley Brinkley***
“It’s been 20 years without knowing the truth of what happened to our mum and our sister. Beverley’s parents have now passed away without justice for their daughter. That’s one thing they really wanted, to know who killed her before they passed away.
“I remember her as a really bubbly, outgoing person. She was happy all the time. She adored her children and our whole family.
“She had a personality and a smile that people always remember. She was so loved.
“There’s been 20 years of experiences she’s missed out on, and 20 years we have all had to live without her. We’ll never get to know how great a grandmother she would have been, we’ll never get the years back that someone has taken from us.
“After this many years we know people’s loyalties can change. If you have information you have not shared before, or you know someone that knows something about Beverley’s murder, please come forward and help all of us have the closure and peace we deserve.”
Statement from Beverley’s family
“Beverley’s brother and children are still searching for answers and for justice. They deserve some form of closure after all this time.
“If you know who was behind the attack, please help the family by speaking up anonymously. You can make a positive difference out of such a tragic story and pass on what you know. Our charity exists to give people a vital anonymous option if they prefer not to speak to the police or give any personal details. You can tell us what you know and we’ll pass it on for you. Your information may help Beverley’s family and friends finally get the justice they deserve after so many years. You could also be eligible for a reward of up to £20,000.”
Mick Duthie, Crimestoppers Director of Operations
***Please Note: Information passed directly to police will not qualify for the reward. The reward will only qualify for information passed to Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 number or via our website***
Please note: With Crimestoppers and Fearless.org, when you visit our sites, computer IP addresses are never traced. Telephone calls are never recorded, there is no caller line display and no 1471 facility. The charity is completely independent of the police and guarantees that your personal identity will always be protected.
Claiming a reward:
The reward will only be payable for information passed directly to Crimestoppers or Fearless.org and not to the police – a reward code must be asked for when calling the charity on 0800 555 111.
If you contact Crimestoppers or Fearless.org via the anonymous online form, the 'keeping in contact’ facility must be used and a reward code must be requested. You must log back in 24 hours later to get the code. You will be asked to check with Crimestoppers or Fearless.org two months later with the reward code to see if there has been a positive result. Find out more.
Please note: Computer IP addresses are never traced and no-one will ever know you contacted us. For telephone calls, there is no caller line display, no 1471 facility and calls have never been traced.