We launch Cambridgeshire campaign highlighting modern slavery and people smuggling
Local people urged to help make Cambridgeshire safer by speaking up anonymously.
Crimestoppers has launched a major campaign in Cambridgeshire to stop organised criminal gangs profiting from the exploitation of vulnerable individuals who are brought into the country illegally.
Criminal gangs can make vast amounts of money from bringing people illegally into the country by lorries, small planes, and boats. Once these individuals arrive, they are often exploited by criminals and can be forced to work for little or no money, often in poor conditions, and often being made to take part in criminal activity such as money laundering, cannabis cultivation, begging and shoplifting gangs, and the sex industry.
Do you have information about people smuggling and modern slavery, or any other crimes? Speak to us on 0800 555 111 or fill in our online form, here on our website - and stay 100% anonymous. Guaranteed.
Not only do these criminal gangs make vast sums of money from those who they traffic into the country, but they also profit from the illegal activities that they force many of these men, women, and children to take part in. These criminals are often involved in other serious and organised criminal activity such as the drugs trade, violence, and supply of weapons.
Many of these vulnerable individuals are forced to work in cash businesses such as car washes, nail bars, takeaways, cleaning or building work. They are often made to live in poor conditions, with limited food, have their passports taken away and earn little or no pay. Some are forced into prostitution or made to work cultivating large scale cannabis grows. These businesses are also often a front for money laundering.
Detailed anonymous community information plays a major role in stopping people smuggling and modern slavery and helping keep our streets and communities safe. As an idependent charity, we've put together detailed information here on our website about:
people smuggling
modern slavery
cannabis cultivation
serious and organised crime
Your information can help save lives and make Cambridgeshire safer for you and your family.
“Many people in Cambridgeshire will have seen stories on modern slavery and illegal immigration and think that it does not happen in their county.
“Unfortunately, this is not the case, and I would encourage anyone who has their suspicions of modern slavery, exploitation, or people smuggling to contact Crimestoppers 100% anonymously.
“Have you suspicions about a local haulage company,or seen unusual activity at a local airfield, or during a visit to the coast or the river?
“Have you information about local businesses where staff are being mistreated or exploited, a building used as a cannabis farm, or properties where a large number of people are housed that you have concerns about?
“Every year across Cambridgeshire, we receive over 2,000 pieces of actionable information; this leads to a significant number of arrests, millions of pounds of drugs seized, and vulnerable adults and children being safeguarded. Any piece of infoormation, big or small, can help make a difference.”
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