New Connections magazine now available
Connections magazine is our annual publication, giving a voice to organisations and influencers we work with who share our aim of helping to make communities and workplaces safer.
Our latest edition is out now, and includes a selection of articles from some of our partner organisations, as they share their experience of working with Crimestoppers to help tackle crime and wrongdoing.
These partners (and there are over 100 of them) include commercial companies, the public sector, other charities, local authorities, housing associations, and of course, the police forces and law enforcement agencies to whom we provide our core service.
From supporting ‘live’ investigations to warning the public about emerging crime threats, we're uniquely placed to break down barriers and elicit vital anonymous information.
The information we pass on helps catch dangerous individuals, prevents crime, gives victims and their families justice, improves people’s understanding of evolving crime threats, and helps boost community safety.
Working together, our partners, from charities to private and public sector organisations, boost our efforts by reaching new audiences and encouraging more people than ever to speak up anonymously.
Highlights of this edition include:
- Crimestoppers’ new hotline, from the head of the Met’s Anti-Corruption and Abuse Command.
- The NPCC’s VAWG lead reflects on our recent survey which revealed that sexual harassment starts shockingly young.
- Stay Energy Safe’s campaign to warn about the dangers of meter tampering as the cost of living crisis intensifies.
- Most Wanted, as we profile some of the top UK fugitives.
- A portrait of ‘a day in the life of a Fearless worker’.
- Co-ordinating with police for a pan-Midlands approach to County Lines.
- The reflections of an ex-judge, the High Sheriff of Surrey, after his HQ visit.
You can read our online edition right here on our website - just click on the link below.
You can also read Connections in Welsh, and explore our 2022 edition.
We hope you enjoy reading through this online edition and thank you for your continued support and interest in our charity.
Tap or click here to read the latest Connections
read the welsh language version of connections
Read the previous edition of our magazine
If you're interested in finding out more about working with us, and how we can help you:
- Build business resilience against the threat of crime from internal and external sources
- Develop trust with hard-to-reach audiences
- Understand crime trends affecting your business and sector
- Protect your financial position by preventing and detecting crime that hits the bottom line
please fill in our short Partnership Enquiry Form.