London: Reward offered over shooting of human rights champion Sasha Johnson

Our charity is offering a reward for information that leads to the conviction of those responsible for the appalling attack on respected human rights campaigner Sasha Johnson.
Sasha was shot at a silent disco shortly before 3 am on Sunday 23 May 2021 in Consort Road, Peckham, south east London.
The head injuries Sasha suffered that night were catastrophic. As a result, she now struggles to say more than a few words and requires constant medical attention. Sasha is often in terrible pain as a result of her injuries and her movement is now extremely limited.
Sasha has two young sons and they, and her family, are having to deal with the daily heartbreak.
This is a truly awful case, which is why our charity has now become involved.
***Crimestoppers is supporting the investigation by offering a reward of up to £20,000 for information we exclusively receive - via our website or by phoning 0800 555 111 - that leads to the conviction of those responsible***
The head injuries Sasha suffered that night were catastrophic. As a result, she now struggles to say more than a few words and requires constant medical attention. Sasha is often in terrible pain as a result of her injuries and her movement is now extremely limited.
Sasha has two young sons and they, and her family, are having to deal with the daily heartbreak.
This is a truly awful case, which is why our charity has now become involved.
***Crimestoppers is supporting the investigation by offering a reward of up to £20,000 for information we exclusively receive - via our website or by phoning 0800 555 111 - that leads to the conviction of those responsible***
We guarantee that you will stay 100% anonymous when you contact us via freephone 0800 555 111 or here on our website.
When you speak to Crimestoppers, you will never be asked to give any of your personal details. We are unable to trace your phone number and, if you contact us online, we cannot record your details such as your I.P. address.
“Sasha is loved by her family and friends and is an active champion for people’s human rights. What’s happened to her is absolutely horrific. Her life will never be the same again.
“We know that many people who were there on the night are her friends and supporters. And yet, there remains a wall of silence.
“Crimestoppers is here to give people the courage to speak up. Since we began in the late 1980s, we have never revealed the identity of someone who has contacted us. Protecting your identity is key to everything we do.
“We believe there are people who want to do the right thing for Sasha, but going to the police is not an option. Were you there on the night or have you heard anything about what happened? Coming forward is never easy, but if you contact us, you can still do the right thing whilst remaining completely anonymous.
“We never ask for your personal details, or make a note of your perceived gender, age, accent or ethnicity. For telephone calls, there is no caller line display, no 1471 facility and our charity has never traced a call. If you contact us online, encryption is used so there is no way of identifying computer IP addresses.
“Before this violent attack, Sasha was a powerful voice who challenged injustice. By using your voice, you can help find justice for Sasha.”