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Efforts boosted to keep communities safe from burglary and vehicle crime

Eastfield burglary and vehicle theft campaign

As crime rates increase in Eastfield and Spinney Hill in Northampton, our charity has launched a new campaign across these areas, to raise awareness of burglary and vehicle crime.

There were over 30 burglaries in the areas between October 2023 and September 2024, which is a 35% increase compared to the previous year. 

Our charity which is independent of the police, is working with Northamptonshire Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, Danielle Stone, and Northamptonshire Police, to encourage local people to speak up about those they know are committing crimes. 
Information can be given 100% anonymously to us in over 150 different languages, 365 days of the year, 24/7, by calling our UK-based Contact Centre on 0800 555 111, or by completing a safe and secure online form anonymously or via for young people.

We are asking local people to tell us about:

  • Those they know are committing burglaries and vehicle crime
  • Where and when planned break-ins will take place
  • Gangs who target the vulnerable
  • People who are selling stolen goods and where
  • Those who have unexplained wealth
  • Individuals who steal car keys from homes and then the cars

In light of increases in burglary and vehicle crime, there are steps that everyone can take to help increase the security and safety of their homes and vehicles.  

We are encouraging people to keep their homes and vehicles safe by:

  • Always keeping property and cars locked 
  • Preventing access to the rear of their properties
  • Keeping bushes low so the street visible
  • Using good quality door and steering wheel locks
  • Using sensor lights around your home
  • Parking under and near to streetlights
  • Removing valuables from vehicles

“It’s important that the people of Eastfield and Spinney Hill know that they have a voice to be able to speak up about their concerns on crime in their community, completely anonymously.

“Some people have information about crime but feel they don’t have anywhere or anyone to turn to. Please remember that the charity Crimestoppers and our youth service Fearless are here to help. We do not judge or take any personal details from those that contact us. All we want is the information you have. You will remain 100% anonymous.

“Crime can be deeply traumatic for victims and in particular with burglaries, where criminals only see profit and not personal or sentimental possessions.

“In over 35 years since our charity started, we have always kept our promise of anonymity to everyone who contacts us.” 

Lydia Patsalides, Crimestoppers East Midlands Regional Manager

Find out more about protecting your home from burglary

Find out more about keeping your vehicle safe

13 January 2024