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Keeping North West Leicestershire safe from dangers of County Lines drug gangs

County Lines gang exploitation

We have launched a new campaign in North West Leicestershire, to highlight the signs of serious organised drug crime, to encourage communities to pass on concerns 100% anonymously to our charity.

The four-week campaign warns that organised criminal gangs are targeting young and vulnerable people, to exploit them for criminal gains. 

These gangs find out the vulnerabilities of young people before selling a lifestyle. Loyalty is then tested, often through asking for favours and offering a sense of protection, in return for couriering illegal drugs and money across cities, towns and villages, known as ‘County Lines’. 
Once involved in this lifestyle, victims are exploited and trapped through fear, debt bondage, trafficking, isolation from family and friends, psychological and sometimes physical and sexual abuse.

We are encouraging anyone with information about organised drug gangs to contact us 100% anonymously by calling 0800 555 111 at any time or by completing a secure online form or for young people, where more can also be learnt about the warning signs of County Lines activity. 

Those that are buying illegal drugs are funding the lifestyle of organised criminal gangs who are trafficking vulnerable and exploited people in order to sell the drugs.  

“We know that County Lines drug gangs are luring young and vulnerable people by gaining their trust, only to trap them into a lifestyle of exploitation through violence, abuse, blackmail and debt bondage. 
“These gangs are expanding their networks quickly, with the levels of violence and exploitation also increasing. This campaign will remind people that we can all play our part in stopping organised crime and keeping people safe.

“We are asking people to remain vigilant to the signs of grooming and we are appealing to everyone to help protect members in our community from County Lines activity by telling Crimestoppers anonymously what you know about criminal drug gangs.”
Lydia Patsalides, Crimestoppers East Midlands Regional Manager 

“As Chair of the CSP, I am dedicated to ensuring the safety of the district and this campaign further highlights our support for residents.

“County Lines is very dangerous, and I urge anybody to use the services provided by Crimestoppers; it takes information anonymously, it’s free and it could help protect many vulnerable residents. 

“With help from Crimestoppers, together we can put an end to drug abuse and create a safer North West Leicestershire.”

Councillor Michael Wyatt, Chair of the Safer North West Leicestershire Community Safety Partnership (CSP) 

Find out more about this campaign and County Lines.