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Sheep worrying: 5 things that dog owners should do

Sheep worrying

We are highlighting the dangers of dogs being walked off their leads in Cumbria, particularly during lambing season and are reminding everyone that sheep worrying is a criminal offence that can lead to fines of up to £1,000.

Every year, sheep and lambs are chased and sometimes killed by dogs that are let off their leads in rural areas. Large financial losses are often suffered by farmers as a result, and it leads to distressed and often aborted lambs. Numerous incidents have been reported across Cumbria since January.

Five things you should do when walking dogs in farming areas

  • You must ensure a field or area has no livestock or wild animals in it before letting your dog off lead. 
  • It’s the law to keep your dog is under control in an area where there are livestock or wild animals.
  • Be particularly vigilant during lambing season and always keep dogs on a lead during this time.
  • Don't allow people who may not be confident in doing so or may not have full control over the animal to walk your dog.
  • Remember where there may be no livestock in a field one day, the same location could be full of animals the next.

“Cumbria is a wonderful place to live and work and we are blessed with so many beautiful places to visit and walk. However, we must remember that many of these areas are worked and managed by our farmers. Please be aware of the devasting affect that attacks by dogs off the lead on sheep can have both to livelihoods and the animals. 

“I appeal to dog owners to please follow our 5 advice points and if the public knows of dogs that are regularly allowed to worry sheep by their owners to either contact Cumbria Police on 101 or speak to our charity 100% anonymously.”
Gary Murray, Crimestoppers North West Regional Manager 

To pass on crime information completely anonymously fill in a secure online form or call our 24/7 UK Contact Centre on 0800 555 111. 

Please note: Computer IP addresses are never traced, and no one will ever know you contacted us. For telephone calls, there is no caller line display, no 1471 facility and calls have never been traced.