
Making a difference – 3 true modern slavery stories

Modern slavery - 3 true Crimestoppers stories
We recently launched our modern slavery in plain sight campaign, to highlight that it is happening in our communities. It is often deeply intertwined in our lives, without us even realising it.

Below is a small sample of crimes solved by passing information to our charity, which shows the real impact of doing this.
Please note that details of these cases have been changed to protect the identity of those involved.

Young girls rescued from a brothel
Information received by Crimestoppers led to the start of a police investigation which identified underage girls being exploited in a brothel. Two perpetrators were arrested and charged for human trafficking and exploitation, attempted rape and managing an immoral house.
Women freed
We received details about a ‘pop up’ brothel using women who had been trafficked into the country. The information also listed four other locations across the region, with women being moved between them. Police arrested two people and helped the women at the original location. A much larger modern slavery investigation followed. 
Sex slavery stopped 
Several addresses operating as illegal brothels for many years under the guise of massage shops were identified from information given to our charity. The workers were victims of modern slavery and human trafficking and were safeguarded during a police raid. Arrests were made and all the businesses were closed down.

Learn the signs to spot in someone who may be a victim of modern slavery. 
Report modern slavery 100% anonymously on 0800 555 111 or by clicking here.