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New campaign highlights long-lasting impact of theft, robbery & burglary

Acquisitive crine campaign

In our new campaign, we warn that robbery, theft and burglary has a damaging impact on victims and their neighbourhoods as the risk of these crimes increases during the summer.  

We are appealing for people who know about criminals involved in these crimes to contact our charity 100% anonymously. 
People not only suffer from the loss of their possessions, but from the invasion of privacy and the violation of personal space. It can lead to some people experiencing emotional distress months after an incident, with some people being left with physical injuries.
In England and Wales last year, nearly two-thirds (73%) of burglary victims reported considerable fear of becoming victims again. And 40% of burglary victims are afraid to be alone in their property in the weeks following the incident. *

The average cost of a break-in for a homeowner is around £4,120 * but the emotional impact can be priceless.
Local crimes can stigmatise a community, creating negative perceptions of safety both within and outside the area. This can intensify feelings of fear and concern and adds to trauma, both for the victim and for the people around them.

Below are some examples of information given to Crimestoppers anonymously which led to criminals facing justice: 

Prolific robber identified, captured, and sentenced 
Crimestoppers publicised CCTV footage and a £5,000 reward showing a robbery in a jewellery shop where a member of staff was injured by the robbers. Information given to Crimestoppers named one of the three robbers involved. From this information, police were able to identify a prolific robber that had recently been released on licence for another robbery committed. The offender was later arrested charged and sentenced. 
Burglars arrested after targeting a struggling business
A respected business was struggling to cope with rising costs. A dozen highly valuable power tools were stolen from their premises overnight which was an even further challenge for the company. The information that Crimestoppers received ensured those involved in the crime were later arrested for burglary.

Cash point robber arrested and charged
An appeal utilising our call to action resulted in numerous reports naming an individual responsible for a cash point robbery. The suspect was arrested and later sentenced to two years in prison.

To pass on information 100% anonymously about anyone involved in robbery, burglary and theft, including phone snatching, please complete our secure form anonymously or call our 24/7 UK-based Contact Centre on 0800 555 111. Young people can also report crime via our charity’s youth service Fearless.orgIn an emergency, always dial 999.

“The summer months are a time when people enjoy the outdoors more, have days out or holidays and sometimes leave windows open which can lead to a spike in burglaries.
“We know that burglaries, robberies and thefts can be devastating. Crimes like these shatter lives, leaving victims traumatised, injured and heartbroken. They devastate communities, inflict economic harm and breed insecurity in public spaces and homes. And when a stolen item has sentimental value, it can never be replaced.
“We want to remind people that they can reduce the window of opportunity for theft, robbery and burglary by remaining vigilant, ensuring valuables are not on display when in public and locking all windows and doors before leaving home. Vehicle keys should not be easily located or seen in your home, and you need to make sure that your home insurance covers different types of burglary, for example, where there was no evidence of forcible and violent entry.
“If you know who’s involved in robbery, theft or burglary, please tell Crimestoppers. You’ll stay 100% anonymous. By supporting each other and speaking up, we can help protect the people and possessions that are important to us.”
A Crimestoppers spokesperson

 * Office for National Statistics - Crime in England and Wales: year ending December 2023
Victim Support can support people who have been a victim of crime, to help them cope with the effects of crime or a traumatic event. They also champion victims’ rights, ensuring their needs are met in the criminal justice system. They can be contacted online, or on 08 08 16 89 111.

Find out more about protecting yourself and your property.