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London campaign urges friends and neighbours of potential domestic abuse victims to not stay silent

London Domestic Abuse campaign

We are highlighting that throughout London, many adults and children experience a wide range of abuse that goes unreported, particularly in the boroughs of Croydon, Tower Hamlets and Ealing.

Domestic abuse covers a wide range of areas such as physical, psychological, emotional, sexual or financial. One in four women and one in six men are affected at some point during their lifetime. It is estimated that a typical victim endures up to 35 assaults before speaking up, and in some cases, it can result in death. Often the children who are living in households are the unseen victims, who carry this trauma throughout their lives.

We are appealing to those who are victims of abuse to reach out for help and support from the many organisations that are available in London.

Our charity is also reaching out to so-called bystanders – such as neighbours, colleagues, friends and family – who may have suspicions, but feel helpless when they know someone is a victim of domestic abuse. 

“The home should be a safe place for families and children and no one should have to live in fear in their own home.

“Whilst ultimately the victim will need to make the decision to get support themselves, we encourage anyone who has suspicions to tell us what you know 100% anonymously. It’s so important to know that your information could help put a stop to the abuse or save a life.”
Alexa Loukas, Crimestoppers London Regional Manager

Should you suspect or know domestic abuse is happening and prefer to stay anonymous, please contact our UK Contact Centre by calling 0800 555 111 at any time or fill in our anonymous online form.

We guarantee complete anonymity, meaning that people who call or contact us online can pass on what they know without giving any personal details. Computer IP addresses are never traced. Telephone calls are never recorded. There is no caller line display and no 1471 facility. 

This campaign is part of a 5-year Hidden Harms project, funded by City Bridge Trust, the City of London Corporation’s charitable funder, for campaigns in London to highlight the importance of reporting hidden crimes such as domestic abuse, modern slavery and human trafficking.

 Find out more information.