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Morrisons CCTV vans lead to increase in Crimestoppers reports

Morrisons Crimestoppers branded vans

Morrisons and Crimestoppers have worked together since 2014 to identify and eradicate crime that takes place in and around Morrisons supermarkets. The partnership aims to identify and address crime that impacts their business, employees, customers and the communities in which they operate.

In July 2023, Morrisons introduced five CCTV vans promoting their partnership with Crimestoppers. The vans are used around the country as a deterrent to crime and to give people a channel through which they can report crime 100% anonymously, providing peace of mind that they can speak up and stay safe.

Since these vans started doing their good work, travelling around the country to raise the profile of Morrisons and their desire to deter crime, Crimestoppers has seen a 56% increase in information we have received relating to Morrisons. This enables Morrisons to take the relevant action to keep people safe.
To date, Morrisons have achieved a number of positive outcomes as a result of the information they have received from our charity. We look forward to continuing our work together to keep communities safer.

“Since  entering into a partnership with Crimestoppers to brand our mobile CCTV units, I'm pleased to report at this early stage that we've seen a huge increase in reported crimes either towards Morrisons or within a Morrisons location.   

“As a result, we are now starting to deploy the mobile units into our M Daily convenience network, to help keep colleagues safe, deter crime against Morrisons, and to widen the Crimestoppers partnership around the local communities we serve.”

Carl Probert, Morrisons Corporate Protection Manager 

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