
Lifting the lid on the scale of illegal streaming

Below is an article in the latest edition of our Connections magazine by Matt Hibbert, Director of Anti-Piracy at Sky, about the BeStreamWise campaign on the dangers of illegal streaming. 

Matt HibbertIt’s often argued that we are in a golden age of TV. There’s never been more choice for consumers, and an explosion in technology and connectivity has meant it’s never been easier to deliver quality content to the right device, at the right time.

Unfortunately, this opportunity has not gone unnoticed by organised criminals. Once the preserve of traders down at the local pub or market, online piracy is now big business. With millions to be made, content is stolen at scale and distributed through a complex ecosystem of organisations, who are often involved in a range of crime. 

And beyond the direct links to criminality and the resultant loss to the economy, accessing content in this way can come with some very real risks to consumers. In fact, around a third of people in the UK say that they, or someone they know, have been a victim of fraud, hacking or scams as a result of illegally streaming content.

Ringleaders sanctioned, users warned 

Rights holders, including Sky, are successfully partnering with law enforcement to identify and prosecute those involved in running illegal streaming services. Ringleaders are receiving significant custodial sentences. Consumers are not immune either, with many receiving ‘cease and desist’ notices. Given the risks, there’s never been a more important time to raise awareness. That’s the aim of a brand-new campaign rolled out in partnership with broadcasters, rights owners, law enforcement bodies, charities such as Crimestoppers and the Intellectual Property Office. is a new platform highlighting the risks involved in illegal streaming, and helping consumers safely find content they love. Its central message, ‘Illegal Streams Let Criminals In’, clearly articulates what’s at stake.

Surge in tip-offs about dodgy streams 

Key to the success of BeStreamWise is working in partnership. Having the support of a trusted, recognised authority like Crimestoppers makes people sit up and pay attention, while also providing a platform for people to anonymously report suspicious behaviour. There has been an 80 per cent rise in online reports since launched. This shows partnerships, cutting edge tech and targeted campaigns improve the public’s understanding whilst challenging those who are culpable for online piracy.

Connections is our annual publication giving a voice to organisations and influencers we work with who share our aim of helping to make communities and workplaces safer.

It includes a selection of articles from some of our partner organisations, as they share their experience of working with our charity to help tackle crime and wrongdoing.

Read the latest Connections magazine.