
How to keep your gold and valuables safe

How to keep your gold and valuables safe

We often hear about the horrible and devastating effects that can be left on people when their home is robbed of gold, jewellery and other valuables.  Not only do they incur a monetary loss, but often the sentiment value of the item is irreplaceable.

We have put together some information so that you can keep your gold and other valuables safe and avoid being the victim of crime.

You can keep your valuables secure by:

  1. Being extra vigilant around religious holidays, festivals and weddings by being aware of your surroundings and reporting any suspicious behaviour.
  2. Keeping all jewellery and other valuables in a safety deposit box – speak to your local bank to find out what’s available.
  3. Keeping it at home, if preferred, in a good quality safe which complies with official insurance rating standards and their requirements on fitting.*
  4. Consider keeping jewellery hidden (particularly during wedding season and religious holidays), and be discreet when wearing it in public until you get to the venue.
  5. Ensuring that all jewellery is digitally recorded, that your insurance is up to date and that all jewellery or valuables are covered.

You can deter a burglar from entering your home by taking simple steps:

  1. Make sure you double-lock any UPVC doors by lifting the handle and locking them at all times.
  2. Check all doors are locked and all windows, including those upstairs, are secure before you go out.
  3. Many of these burglaries happen in the day. We recommend using timer switches for radios or TVs to give the impression that the house is occupied even when it isn’t.
  4. Consider installing a monitored burglar alarm and ‘dusk to dawn’ security lighting.
*To ensure that your safe is the best possible standard, visit, a Home Office approved website, which lists approved security products which have been awarded the ‘Police Preferred Specification’ status.

Alternatively visit, which lists products approved by the Master Locksmiths Association.