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West Midlands: Double Coventry murder information appeal

West Midlands: Double Coventry murder information appeal

We are offering a reward of up to £20,000 on the fifth anniversary of the murder of two men in Coventry, for information about those involved.

Johnny Robbins, aged 33 (pictured right), disappeared on 21 March 2018, and we believe he was tortured before being murdered. Tragically his body has not been found. 

Johnny’s death is linked to the murder of Daniel Shaw (pictured left), who was found with gunshot injuries to his chest in Copland Place in the Tile Hill area on 25 March, 2018. 

We believe that before Johnny was murdered, he was taken to Daniel Shaw’s home in Torrington Avenue on Wednesday 21 March 2018. 

A number of people have been arrested during ongoing and extensive investigations, but none have yet been charged. 


Investigators are keen to hear about the whereabouts of Ryan Hobday (pictured above), aged 28 at the time of the murders, from Coventry who is wanted in connection with the murders. There is a possibility he may also have been murdered.

“While we understand many people are frightened to talk, this information could be crucial - it could help Johnny’s and Daniel’s grieving families, including Johnny’s three young children, be able to put them to rest properly.

“Our charity exists to give people a vital anonymous option if they prefer not to speak to the police or give any personal details. You can tell us what you know and we’ll pass it on for you. Nobody will know you contacted us and you will be doing the right thing for the families.

“The people responsible have been protected for too long. If you think you know anything about these murders, please speak up. You can tell Crimestoppers 100% anonymously. As a charity that is independent of the police, we have always kept our promise of anonymity – we’ve supported millions of people who have trusted us with their crucial crime information since we began in the late 1980s.”
Alan Edwards, Crimestoppers West Midlands Regional Manager
“Five years on, it’s devastating for the families that the people who carried out these sickening murders have still not been brought to justice.

“These murders happened on the streets of Coventry – streets that are meant to be safe for families.

“Now is the time to end the protection that has been afforded to the criminals behind these killings.

“The people who did this need to know we are determined to bring them to justice.

“I’d urge the people of Coventry to do the right thing and come forward with what they know.”
Det Supt Chris Mallet, West Midlands Police
Crimestoppers guarantees complete anonymity, meaning that people who call or contact us online can pass on what they know without ever giving any personal details. Computer IP addresses are never traced. Telephone calls are never recorded, there is no caller line display and no 1471 facility. 
Claiming a reward:

Whilst the overwhelming majority of people who contact Crimestoppers do so without asking for a reward, the £20,000 offer is available to encourage someone with vital information to come forward, anonymously. 

The reward will only be payable for information passed directly to Crimestoppers and not to the police. A reward code must be asked for when calling our charity on 0800 555 111. If you contact Crimestoppers via the anonymous online form, the 'keeping in contact’ facility must be used and a reward code must be requested. You must log back in 24 hours later to get the code. You will be asked to check with Crimestoppers two months later with the reward code to see if there has been a positive result.  More details about the rewards process – at the heart of which is ensuring you stay 100% anonymous - can be found here