
Crimestoppers continues to work with Surrey Anti-Slavery Partnership as new podcast released

Crimestoppers continues to work with Surrey Anti-Slavery Partnership as new podcast released

Modern slavery is an international crime that affects an estimated 29.8 million slaves around the world, with an estimated 13,000 people held in slavery in the UK today.

In Surrey, there are an estimated 1,500 victims of slavery, including 81 children who were referred to Surrey Police in 2022 by first responders.

Crimestoppers is a member of the Surrey Anti-Slavery Partnership, raising awareness and supporting victims of modern slavery across Surrey.

DCI Kerry Loveless, the Surrey Police force lead for modern slavery, reports that in particular East and West Surrey have seen recent significant increases in offences relating to modern slavery.

Surrey Police have also noted more cases of exploitation within the care sector. Mainly African nationals are being sponsored to come to the UK as carers - but expected to work very long hours, with not much pay or freedom and a lot of money taken at source for ‘accommodation’ and ‘legal fees’. If they complain about the conditions, victims are told that their sponsorship has been withdrawn and they will be deported.

The Guardian’s ‘Today in Focus’ podcast recently released a four-part investigative series, about a Ukrainian woman who escaped modern slavery in the UK.

Julia, a young mother from Ukraine, ended up being trafficked to the UK, and exploited for five years, trapped in debt bondage working in hotels and brothels, until she was discovered by Surrey Police in 2019.
Crimestoppers is committed to amplifying the work of our partners in reducing crime and will continue to support initiatives, by providing a secure and 100% anonymous way for people to report what they know about modern slavery in Surrey, and elsewhere.