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Birmingham: New initiative encouraging people to speak up anonymously about knife crime

Birmingham violence reduction campaign

We have launched a new initiative to help reduce knife crime across Birmingham. 
Our charity – which is independent of the police – is running the final strand of our three-part campaign, this time with the emphasis on encouraging people to make that difficult phone call, or to fill in an online anonymous form about those who carry knives.
The latest campaign is part of a wider project with the aim of reducing violence across Birmingham. It has been sponsored by Birmingham Violence Reduction Board and West Midlands Police. 
 In June, the first campaign was about drug crime and the second phase earlier this month tackled gang crime. 
All three strands (drug, gang and knife crime) are linked. By nudging people into action and reporting anonymously, it’s hoped the intelligence gathered will give law enforcement a greater ability to curtail and confront the problem which has a profoundly negative effect on communities. 
This campaign is being promoted across social media, along with advertising and a more traditional approach using leaflets and posters. 
Any suspicions about knife carrying, criminal gangs and drug crime in Birmingham can be given to Crimestoppers 100% anonymously at any time. Complete a secure online form or call our national Contact Centre on freephone 0800 555 111. Alternatively, information can be given via, the charity’s service for young people.

“The consequences of a person carrying a knife in Birmingham can be severe and have a devastating impact on the person responsible for using it, the victim and the wider local community. We also know that talking about gang crime can be scary and we understand why some people won’t feel comfortable speaking directly to the police. 

“With Crimestoppers, your anonymity is guaranteed. If you know something about a person carrying a knife, or involved in drug crime or gang violence, please help make a positive difference by passing on what you know. 

“Our charity are experts at taking information about crime, whilst ensuring the person giving that information is never identified. We’ve kept our promise of anonymity since we began in the 1980s. Only by working together can we make our communities and our City truly safe from knife crime and gang violence. The information you give us can save lives.”
Alan Edwards, Crimestoppers West Midlands Regional Manager

Please note: With and, computer IP addresses are never traced and no-one will ever know you contacted the charity. For telephone calls to Crimestoppers via freephone 0800 555 111, there is no caller line display, no 1471 facility and calls have never been traced.