
South Wales: £5,000 reward to find Mohammed Ali Ege wanted in connection with the murder of Aamir Siddiqi

South Wales: £5,000 reward to find Mohammed Ali Ege wanted in connection with the murder of Aamir Siddiqi

We have a new appeal for anonymous information to assist South Wales Police in finding Mohammed Ali Ege, who is wanted in connection with the murder of Aamir Siddiqi.

A reward of up to £5k will be available to anyone providing information exclusively to our charity which leads to Ege’s arrest and safe return to the UK, if he is arrested abroad.

Aamir Siddiqi who was 17-years-old, died at his home in Ninian Road, Roath on 11th April 2010, having suffered multiple stab wounds.

Although two men have been convicted of his murder, South Wales Police remains as committed as ever to tracing and arresting Ege.

Ege, now 44, fled to India before he could be arrested in connection with Aamir’s murder. In 2013 he was arrested in India but in 2017, while awaiting extradition, he escaped from Indian custody.

His current whereabouts remains unknown but if and when Mohammed Ali Ege is arrested anywhere in the world, current arrangements are in place to ensure that South Wales Police would be notified immediately.

Ege remains on our Most Wanted site.
“We are appealing to anyone with information about Mohammed Ali Ege to come forward and speak to our charity 100% anonymously as soon as possible. We would like to help bring an end to this very long ordeal for Aamir’s family.

“It is important to be clear that to assist anybody wanted for questioning over a crime can lead to prosecution. Our charity is here for people who feel unable to speak to police directly. We are independent from the police and offer an alternative option when reporting crime. Since 1988, when Crimestoppers began, we have always kept our promise of anonymity to the millions who have trusted us with their crime information.

“There are people out there who must know where Mohammed Ali Ege is. We urge anybody with information to do the right thing and contact us. You can call our UK Contact Centre, which is open 24/7, on freephone 0800 555 111 or you can use our simple and secure anonymous online form. Nobody will know you got in touch with us and you’ll be doing the right thing.”
Hayley Fry, Crimestoppers National Manager for Wales
***Information passed directly to police will not qualify for a reward. Only information passed to Crimestoppers using our untraceable anonymous online form or by calling our freephone 0800 555 111 number will qualify***

Please note: Computer IP addresses are never traced at Crimestoppers and no-one will ever know you contacted our charity. There is no telephone caller line display, no 1471 facility and calls have never been traced.