
£20,000 reward to help solve murder of Hereford man Christian Bagley on seventh anniversary of his death

 £20,000 reward to help solve murder of Hereford man Christian Bagley on seventh anniversary of his death

We are offering up to £20,000 for anonymous information on the murder of Hereford man Christian Bagley, as a fresh appeal for information is launched on the seventh anniversary of his death.

Christian was 30-years-old when he was stabbed in the arm and back as he walked home towards Hunderton Bridge in the city, along Villa Street in the direction of the river path and the Great Western Way ‘The Lines’. This was at around 10.40pm  on Sunday 21 June 2015. It was Father’s Day and he had been visiting his then 18-month-old daughter. 

After being attacked and stabbed near the concrete steps leading to ‘The Lines’, Christian staggered to Charles Witts Avenue to get help. Despite the emergency services being called, he sadly died from his injuries. The blade used, thought to be a kitchen carving knife, remained embedded in his left arm. The handle of the knife snapped off during the attack and has never been found.

***A reward of up to £20,000 is available to anyone providing information directly to Crimestoppers which leads to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for this murder.***

To help with their investigations, police would also like to speak to the driver of an Audi vehicle seen at Sainsbury’s and ASDA, Hereford between 10:37pm and 10:50pm on Sunday 21 June 2015. They may have vital information. 

“As we offer this reward and launch this appeal, our thoughts are very much with Christian’s family and friends. Despite his murder happening seven years ago, it’s still shocking that this happened and whoever was responsible is still out there, having evaded justice.

“As a charity that’s independent of the police, Crimestoppers is on the side of those who may know about crime but are often too scared or worried to speak up. Our independence and anonymity promise is key to so many people coming forward who would otherwise remain silent. We have kept our anonymity promise since our charity started decades ago.

“If you know who was responsible for Christian’s murder, this is your opportunity to do the right thing. When you call our charity’s Contact Centre on freephone 0800 555 111 or use our anonymous online form, nobody will know you contacted us, only you. Your information, however small, could make a difference. And remember, you stay 100% anonymous. Always. You could also be eligible for a reward.”
Alan Edwards, Crimestoppers West Midlands Regional Manager
Please note: Computer IP addresses are never traced, and no-one will ever know you contacted Crimestoppers. For telephone calls, there is no caller line display, no 1471 facility and calls have never been traced. The charity is completely independent of the police and guarantees your personal identity will always been protected. 

***Information passed directly to police will not qualify for a reward. Only information given exclusively to Crimestoppers via the 0800 555 111 number or given anonymously online will qualify.***