
West Midlands: Hit-and-run victim’s death prompts £20,000 reward for anonymous information

West Midlands: Hit-and-run victim’s death prompts £20,000 reward for anonymous information

We appeal directly to the public for the names of those involved to help the victim’s family get justice

We have launched an appeal over the hit-and-run killing of an innocent man last year.

43-year-old Darren Whitehouse was hit by a speeding vehicle in St Marks Road, Tipton, on the afternoon of 27th February 2021 and was dragged along the street. Despite the best efforts of medics, he sadly died from his injuries at the scene, leaving a family and friends who have been devasted by his death. 

The occupants, of what later was found to be a stolen vehicle, fled the scene after abandoning the vehicle some distance away.

A-suspect-and-stolen-car-used.jpgPhoto caption: A suspect and the stolen car used.
To date, two suspects have been arrested, but no one has been charged. 

***We are supporting police by offering a reward of up to £20,000 for anonymous information we exclusively receive - via our website or by freephone on 0800 555 111 - that leads to the conviction of those responsible***

Please note: Computer IP addresses are never traced and no-one will ever know you contacted us. For telephone calls, there is no caller line display, no 1471 facility and calls have never been traced. We are completely independent of the police, and we support people who would otherwise remain silent to speak up anonymously about what they know. 

“The death of Darren Whitehouse is tragic and has left his family and friends with an incredible loss of someone who was much-loved. They deserve to see those responsible held to account before someone else is hurt by such reckless and criminal behaviour.

“Crimestoppers exists purely to give those people who know who was responsible for crimes like this an option – a safe and completely anonymous option to pass on what you know without giving your details, and then you’re done. We are also offering a reward of up to £20,000.

“Our charity has kept its promise of anonymity to everyone since we started back in the late 1980s and we are proud to support over half a million people each year who want to do the right thing, but don’t want to speak to the police.

“If you know who was behind the wheel or in the car at the time and have so far stayed silent, then now is your opportunity to speak up anonymously. We take information in up to 140 different languages when you call our UK Contact Centre on freephone 0800 555 111, or you can fill in our simple and secure anonymous online form.”
Alan Edwards, Crimestoppers West Midlands Regional Manager

***Information passed directly to police will not qualify. The reward will only qualify for information given exclusively to our charity via the 0800 555 111 number or our simple and secure anonymous online form.***