Personal safety

Personal safety

We all want to stay as safe as possible in our daily lives. Here, you can find detailed information about various crimes, some simple precautions you can take, and learn how you can report these crimes, 100% anonymously.


When you are traveling

  • Taxis and Ubers: Getting a taxi? Use a valid taxi service or online cab checker to confirm it is licensed. You can send the registration number to a friend so that they know which car you've got in. Feeling uneasy about a driver? Listen to your instincts: if in doubt, don't get in the car.
  • Cars: Make sure your car has enough fuel to complete your journey. Check it for broken lights and windscreen cracks.
  • Cars: Park in busy areas where there is good lighting, especially at night. Never give a lift to a stranger.
  • Trains and buses: Waiting for the 18:03 or the number 42? Stand in a well-lit place near other people.
  • Trains and buses: Someone bothering you? Tell the guard or driver - you can stay with them if you continue to feel uncomfortable.

Looking after your belongings

  • Do not be over-protective of your belongings. If you are a victim of theft (and the chances are very low), you can get a new phone and you can order new bank cards. If you are in a dangerous situation leave your possessions and seek help in the nearest safe place.
  • Keep your bag closed: if it is open an opportunist thief is more likely to see what you have and take it.

Preventing violent crime

The Violent Crime Prevention Board (VCPB), Principal Dr Neville Lawrence OBE (father of murdered Steven Lawrence), Chair Dr Angela Herbert MBE , and members of the Board, are proud partners of Crimestoppers.

The VCPB aims to build and promote character, leadership, conflict resolution and resilience in the community, connecting with leaders, faith-groups, police and key service providers; this is exemplified in their motto: ‘Vision to Champion Progress.’ It is this approach of empowering individuals and communities, ‘lighting a candle rather than cursing the darkness’ and facilitating solutions that makes the VCPB a relevant important voice in modern crime prevention.

The VCPB encourages members of the public with information about any crime to report it anonymously to us at Crimestoppers, as an integral part of their aim to prevent violent crime.