Sexual harassment on the railway

Sexual harassment on the railway

Together we can stop sexual harassment on the railway.

We’re proud to be working with National Rail and British Transport Police to ensure your safety on board the trains.    

When it comes to crime on the railway, it's been identified that sexual harassment is under-reported, which makes it hard for law enforcement to intervene.

Sexual harassment behaviour can be verbal, non-verbal, physical, and can take place on and offline.

Do you know someone who upskirts/ cat calls/ touches/ exposes/ cyber-flashes/ intentionally presses up to or stares intrusively at other passengers on the train? 

These are all examples of sexual harassment.

If you have information on those behind these crimes on our railways, and want to remain anonymous, you can speak up 100% anonymously through an anonymous service powered by us, Crimestoppers. Just call 0800 783 0137 or fill in this form

If you're happy to give personal information, report what you know directly to the British Transport Police

You can also use their free Railway Guardian app - an all-in-one safety app. The app allows you to report crimes or concerns on the rail network, share your journeys with trusted contacts, and get access to news, guides, or support.

By reporting incidents of sexual harassment, you can help bring an offender to justice and support law enforcement in making sure you, and your fellow rail users, are kept safe.  

Sexual harassment is a form of unlawful discrimination under the Equality Act 2010.

What is sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment is behaviour of a sexual nature which:

  • violates your dignity 
  • makes you feel intimidated, degraded, or humiliated
  • creates a hostile or offensive environment

If you’ve been a victim of sexual harassment and need support, click here for advice on who to contact.

Learn more about the Railway Delivery Group’s campaign and read more examples of sexual harassment here.