
Why do we offer rewards for information?

Why we offer rewards for information

We have found that offering rewards for crime information leads to enhanced results.

Our rewards help to generate vital leads for Senior Investigating Officers in their efforts to find Most Wanted individuals and to help solve serious crimes. 
We offer enhanced rewards to solve cases involving murder, rape, violent attacks, child abuse and serious organised crime, often when investigators struggle to get a crucial piece of evidence, because they have hit a wall of silence. 
Our rewards attached to an appeal can generate much-needed publicity, as they boost media coverage across TV, radio, online and in print, along with wide-reaching social media engagement. 
Gaining as much coverage as possible helps to reach the right people in order to encourage them to contact our charity 100% anonymously.
Unfortunately, we cannot celebrate our successes due to our anonymity guarantee. But the feedback we receive shows they are a valuable resource to help investigators make progress in difficult, unsolved cases.

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