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Our partner has successfully recovered essential bakery equipment amid widespread misuse

Bakers Basco
To tackle the large-scale issue of bakery equipment misuse, our partner Bakers Basco has been successful in recent efforts to recover essential items.

The scale of misuse has reached alarming levels, prompting an intensified recovery operation.
Bakers Basco, a leading provider and controller of returnable transit packaging (RTP) for the bakery industry, recovered almost 3,000 pieces of essential bakery equipment across Northern Ireland last year.  
Since expanding operations in Northern Ireland, the Bakers Basco team has investigated over 30 successful leads, resulting in the recovery of misused equipment, and various charges against offenders. 
 This ranges from retailers improperly discarding equipment to local markets and online platforms using bakery equipment unlawfully. 

“Almost 3,000 pieces of equipment recovered in just one region demonstrates the magnitude of the problem we’re tackling. 
“Every basket or dolly misused disrupts the supply chain, burdens bakeries financially and detracts from the sustainability of the circular economy we’re striving to protect. 
“From shops tossing equipment into skips to unauthorized resales online, the scale of misuse is staggering. 
“We’re leaving no stone unturned to educate, investigate, and, when necessary, pursue legal action to ensure compliance.”
Stacey Brown, National Investigations Manager for Bakers Basco 

If you have information on anyone purposely stealing and illegally disposing of bakery delivery equipment, please contact our charity at any time on 0800 555 111 or by completing our Crimestoppers online form. You will remain 100% anonymous. Always. 

For anyone who comes across these baskets, please contact the Bakers Basco team, who are willing to arrange collections for free. You can report via the recovery helpline on 08000 327 323 or by emailing 

10 January 2025