Help keep our ports secure

Help keep our ports secure

It is everyone’s responsibility to keep our ports and people safe and secure.

PortSafe schemes are being implemented across the UK in commercial maritime ports and port facilities to encourage people to identify and report suspicious activity.

Tell us what you know. 100% anonymous. always:

What is PortSafe?

With a single branding and a straightforward concept, PortSafe adopts a collaborative approach between law enforcement, first responders, partner agencies and industry to provide a benchmark of security within UK commercial maritime ports and facilities.

The UK ports industry is the second largest in Europe. The industry handles more than 500 million tonnes of freight and over 60 million international and domestic passenger journeys every year** making UK ports and port facilities an attractive target for criminals.

PortSafe aims to support and encourage individuals working in or around UK ports to have the knowledge and power to recognise when something is out of the ordinary, and when something does not feel right, the ability to tell someone with 100% anonymity.

PortSafe promotes and enhances security awareness to anyone working in or around a port or port facility, providing a safe environment to report concerns anonymously.

** Statistics from Ports | Maritime UK

We’re encouraging you to learn the signs to spot so if you do see something you can speak up and tell us what you know.

In an emergency, always call 999.

Call 0800 141 2927 or fill in the online form to report your concerns:

Stay alert and observe what is going on around you. If you see anything suspicious, report it before it is too late.

Is your colleague acting strangely? Have you been approached by someone wanting unauthorised access? You may have observed something significant without realising it. Criminals and terrorists are masters of manipulation. False promises, blackmail and payment are all tactics they will use to gain access to our ports to facilitate crime.

Tell us what you know. 100% anonymous. always.

Signs to spot:

  • Has someone been asking about security within your port?
  • Have you seen someone in an area where they should not or do not need to be?
  • Have any of your colleagues bypassed security measures to access a restricted area?
  • Have you noticed a change with a colleague’s behaviour, opinions or lifestyle recently that is different to before?
  • Have you noticed colleagues paying less attention to security procedures than normal?
  • Have you seen anyone recording images of restricted areas or security procedures?
  • Have you seen anyone hiding or collecting items from the shoreline?
  • Are there visitors to your port or port facility trying to conceal their identity in any way?
  • Are any of your colleagues acting strangely or requesting specific assignments?
If you are concerned or you have any information involving a potential criminal or terrorist activity within UK ports, tell the PortSafe Hotline on 0800 141 2927 or click here to report using the online form. You’ll remain 100% anonymous. Always.

How can I get involved?

Whether you are a Port Facilities Security Officer, a Port Security Manager, a Security Team Leader or a Companies House registered business, you can apply for a PortSafe digital asset pack including posters, flyers, digital resources and more to help implement a PortSafe scheme in your port and promote a safe port environment - just email

7 October 2023