Comms - free marketing channels

FireStoppers is a brand that can be used to change behaviour and, as part of your wider, long-term strategy, it is an important fire reduction tool.

Promoting the service is key to its success, and there are a number of free channels you can use:

  • Organic social media messaging will reach all of your Fire Service’s followers (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, LinkedIn).
  • Fire Station social media – encourage individual Fire Stations to promote FireStoppers organically on their dedicated social media accounts - read the CD&DFRS case study here.
  • FireStoppers assets - use the social assets provided to make messages eye-catching.
  • Incident images - use incident images to resonate with people and encourage them to tell you what they know. 100% anonymous. Always.
  • Fire Service website - clearly promoting FireStoppers on the home page of your website is a quick win, find examples and copy for you to use here.
  • Word of mouth - ensure your colleagues across the Fire Service know about FireStoppers so that they can talk about it when they are out in communities.

Find out more about widening the scope of your activity