Modern slavery campaign - #SlaveryonYourDoorstep


This campaign was supported by the GLAA, Anti-Slavery Commissioner and Salvation Army.

After the number of potential victims of trafficking, slavery and forced labour identified in the UK hit a record high of 10,000 in 2019, Crimestoppers launched a national modern slavery campaign, #SlaveryonYourDoorstep, in June 2020, supported by the Gangmasters & Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA), Anti-Slavery Commissioner and Salvation Army.

Lasting four weeks, the campaign aimed to raise awareness of the signs to spot of vulnerable people being exploited, trapped and tricked into modern slavery by criminal gangs, with the general public being encouraged to report their suspicions to Crimestoppers 100% anonymously, and victims being signposted to specialist agencies. 

Campaign assets highlighted sectors particularly relevant to modern slavery, including contract cleaning, agriculture, nail bars, hand car wash facilities and factories, with social media and print artwork being translated into Albanian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian and Welsh to amplify the reach of our message. 

The campaign reached close to 2.5 million people – engaging 42,000 of them – and resulted in a 21.9% increase in reports relating to modern slavery during the campaign period.

 Click here to watch a ‘signs to spot’ animation from the campaign.