Organised immigration crime campaign - Say No to People Smuggling


This campaign was run in partnership with the UK Government.

In response to Operation Melrose, which sought justice for the 39 migrants found dead in the back of a refrigerated lorry in 2019, Crimestoppers launched an Organised Immigration Crime campaign in partnership with the UK Government and the National Crime Agency (NCA). Following a successful pilot in Essex, the campaign was rolled out nationally for 10 weeks commencing in February 2021.

The campaign aimed to educate the general public around ports and service stations about the signs to spot of people smuggling, and to raise awareness of our anonymous reporting service amongst haulage drivers. We collaborated with the Home Office, NCA, Essex Police and refrigerated lorry working group to produce communications materials, with campaign leaflets being translated into 17 languages to amplify the reach of our message.

 Click here to visit the Say No to People Smuggling campaign landing page.