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Targeting exploiters of children and young people across the North West & North Wales

Targeting exploiters of children and young people across the North West & North Wales

We've launched a campaign to highlight the dangers that children and young people face across the North West and North Wales because of the manipulation, coercion and control of abusive adults or peers, and to appeal to the public to give information about these crimes, 100% anonymously.

The campaign is focussing on: Criminals prey on young people, who are often vulnerable - and it's important that parents, friends, teachers, professionals who work with young people, and the children and young people themselves are aware of the warning signs and how to access help and support.

Any information you may have about County Lines, Child Sexual Exploitation, child criminal exploitation, violence, organised drug gangs, weapons and victims can be passed onto us 100% anonymously.

call freephone 0800 555 111 at any time, day or night, or fill in our quick & easy secure online form, right here on our website.


We're a national charity, and completely independent of the police. We won't ask for or take any of your personal details, including phone numbers - we have no caller line display, no 1471 facility and we have never traced a call. Computer IP addresses are never traced, and the only person who will ever know you contacted us - is you.

Young people, parents and professionals who work with children and young people can also visit, the website for our dedicated youth service, where more can be learnt about the warning signs of exploitation and abuse.

Fearless offers young people non-judgemental advice so they can make informed decisions about lifestyle choices, and realise that they have an alternative option when reporting crime.

“Everyone has a part to play in protecting our young people from those who seek to groom, profit and exploit them in our communities and online.

“We know that criminals use manipulation, intimidation and violence to coerce individuals into doing what they want them to do. This level of exploitation often leads to people feeling that they have become trapped and not knowing how to get out.

“We're asking the public to remain vigilant to the signs of grooming and the three grooming stages of ‘targeting, testing and trapping’, as well as appealing to everyone to help protect vulnerable members in our community from the crimes described above by telling our charity anonymously what you know. Thank you.”

Gary Murray,
Crimestoppers North West Regional Manager
call freephone 0800 555 111 at any time, day or night, or fill in our quick & easy secure online form, right here on our website.