
Our charity's expertise is breaking down the wall of silence

Person looking pensive

Our charity understands the barriers people have when giving information. This is why we exist.  

We understand that with the best will in the world, there will always be a significant number of people who won’t speak to the police. It could be because they fear reprisals or retribution. It could be because of cultural beliefs within their community or previous experience here or abroad. Maybe the criminals are too close to home and through loyalty or concern about being found out, it prevents them from saying what they know once a serious crime has occurred.
Our charity gives those people a vital, anonymous option – they can help bring criminals to justice and protect their community and those they love, without anyone knowing how they played a part in the investigation.

Rewards are not about rewarding 

The headline 'cash reward' helps our charity to generate widespread publicity in broadcast, print and online news outlets and social media. This helps reach the very people who need to hear about our appeals and encourages some to come forward. We have found that the overwhelming majority of people who contact us are motivated by doing the right thing as in past years, the number of people who have actually claimed our rewards has been as low as one per cent.

Winning over the 20 percenters 

Being independent of the police and guaranteeing anonymity offers the estimated 20% of people who would normally be unwilling to speak up, an option. Our reassurance works. It’s why we get over 2,000 calls and contacts each and every day. And some of those contacts offer information that is invaluable to investigators. These nuggets of information provide law enforcement and other agencies with vital missing pieces of the jigsaw or can direct them to someone who will be key to gaining essential evidence or preventing further harm.

Find out more about our anonymity guarantee.

25 October 2024