Predatory money lending in Northern Ireland

Predatory money lending in Northern Ireland

The cruel reality of predatory money lending is the focus of a new Crimestoppers in Northern Ireland campaign.

Campaign graphic

We’re reaching out to communities to encourage the public to speak up about this crime  - which you can do 100% anonymously; guaranteed

Criminal and predatory money lenders make their living from exploiting and intimidating others, and sadly, they are now taking advantage of current economic times to tighten their grip.

It’s a manipulative process, which starts with the lender supposedly ‘helping’ those who are struggling to make ends meet. But these criminals are not working in the interests of their victims, or their communities, in any shape or form.  

When loan repayments, with inevitable hefty interest rates, are not met, the lenders will use threats and violence. Victims with unpaid debts, and indeed their loved ones, are exploited and often forced to repay by other means, such as storing or selling drugs. There are also shocking anecdotes of young people being forced into sexual exploitation as a form of repayment.  

Do you have information about this crime – or any other? Call free, any time: 0800 555 111. Or fill in our quick and easy online form – just select ‘Other’ on the dropdown list and tell us what you know, 100% anonymously.

Give information anonymously

The huge issue is that victims may be too frightened or ashamed to speak up, with some perhaps accepting their punishment is in some way ‘normal’ or ‘acceptable’.   

This practise – the unrealistic and illegal lending, the control and subsequent dire consequences – is in no way normal in any society, and the time has come to say enough is enough.  

Currently because of fear or stigma, the authorities end up relying upon anecdotes and hearsay, rather than actual reports - and it’s this very issue that this campaign is striving to resolve.

There’s no easy fix, but we will work relentlessly to expose the toxic harms of predatory money lending, and to address the stigma or shame that innocent victims may feel.  

We know some people may be fearful or ashamed to report this type of criminality to the authorities - and that’s where Crimestoppers comes in, with our totally anonymous method of reporting.

We never ask for your personal details, just what you know about crime. This means: 

  • No police contact 
  • No witness statement 
  • No courts. 

Our charity is 35 years old this year and we have never broken our guarantee of anonymity. This empowers you to speak up, safe in the knowledge that no one will ever know you did.

Please note: computer IP addresses are never traced, and no-one will ever know you contacted Crimestoppers. For telephone calls, there is no caller line display, no 1471 facility and calls have never been traced.

Got information? Tell us what you know - no one will ever know that you did. 0800 555 111, any day, any time, or fill in our online form, here on our website:

Give information anonymously

Useful links

  • The Executive’s ‘Ending the Harm’ campaign is a public awareness campaign led by the Northern Ireland Executive Programme to Tackle Paramilitary Activity. To find out more, visit 
  • Advice NI offers help and support to those in any type of debt. Contact the confidential advice helpline on 0800 915 4604 or visit

13 May 2024