Help make Ipswich safer from illegal drugs

Information and intelligence from our communities is key and, if you report your concerns, action will be taken.

Help us keep Ipswich clear of drugs by spotting the signs of this activity and reporting it to our charity, 100% anonymously - guaranteed.

Help make Ipswich safer from drugsDrug dealing has a big impact on local communities. It directly leads to increased crime – more shoplifting, burglary and car theft, as well as litter and anti-social behaviour.

It also leads to the exploitation of children and vulnerable adults by the criminals who run drug supply lines.

We pay up to £1,000 for information about drug dealers that leads to an arrest and charge. Report anonymously to us – no one will know you passed on the information.

Call free on 0800 555 111 or visit our online form:

give information anonymously

The illegal drugs trade has huge negative community consequences, including:

  • Fear of reprisals from residents witnessing drug dealing or related crimes.
  • Drug sellers' activities causing concern among community residents, for instance an increase in anti-social behaviour.
  • Threats and use of violence towards those involved, and sometimes their friends and family.
  • Vulnerable community members being forced, coerced, intimidated and/or exploited into criminal activities.
  • Social exclusion of victims or concerned residents.
  • Demand on social care provision for those who are affected by drug use/users.
  • Increase in hospital admissions attributed to drug overdoses, poisonings, and drug-related neonatal disorders. 

Some of the signs that drug dealing might be taking place in your community can include:

  • A change in someone's mood/demeanour (e.g. secretive/withdrawn/ aggressive/emotional).
  • A resident or local person suddenly having unexplained, sometimes unaffordable, new clothes, jewellery, phones, cars etc.
  • An increase in visitors and cars, scooters or bikes to a house or flat, or new faces appearing.
  • Sometimes criminals take over a home or short-term let as a drugs base - this is known as cuckooing.
  • New and regularly changing residents, maybe with non-local accents.
  • Curtains often closed all the time and an increase in rubbish/drug paraphernalia.
  • Residents or young people going missing, maybe for long periods of time.
  • Young people seeming unfamiliar or uncomfortable with your community or where they are.

The National Crime Agency advice is that you trust your instincts. Even if someone isn't involved in drug dealing, they might be being exploited in some other way, so it's always worth speaking out.

Don’t base your suspicion of someone being a drug dealer solely on their age, gender, or ethnicity. Anyone can get recruited and caught up in this activity. Some signs of drug dealing could include (but are not limited to):

  • Dealing drugs (you witnessing the exchange of money for drugs).
  • Unknown or suspicious looking character/s.
  • Gang associations.
  • Controlling characteristics.
  • Using nicknames when speaking about others.
  • Access to numerous phones - receiving excess amount of phone calls or texts.
  • Debt support promises (as part of their recruitment).
  • Regularly visiting a potential cuckooed property (e.g. to drop off drugs, collect money or checking in on drugs/criminal activity taking place inside).

What to do if you have information on a crime or concerns for someone?

Lady on phone looking out of window

In an emergency, or if a crime is happening now, always call the police on 999.

Information from communities is vital to help crack down on illegal activity happening in your neighbourhoods. give information 100% anonymously.

Call free on 0800 555 111 or visit our online form:

give information anonymously

You can speak to one of our specially-trained Call Agents in our 24/7 Contact Centre on 0800 555 111 or use our non-traceable online form here on our website. You will remain 100% anonymous. Always. We will never ask for your name, and your phone call or online report will never be traced.

Ipswich support

  • Norfolk & Suffolk Victim Care is a free, confidential support service specifically designed to help victims and witnesses of crime. Whatever has happened to you, whatever you may have witnessed and whenever it took place, their trained support staff will work with you to make sure you receive the help you need to cope and recover.

    It doesn’t matter if you have reported the crime to the police or not, or previously turned down offers of support – support is available if you need it. 
  • Report drug related litter in public spaces for safe clearance and disposal helping to identify hotspot locations  - Reporting drug related activity and drug litter | Ipswich Borough Council
  • Support and advice service for people affected by alcohol or drugs for adults and young people in Ipswich are provided by Turning Point and Iceni.
  • Anti-social behaviour reports can also be shared, if you wish, with Ipswich Borough Council as well as Crimestoppers.
  • Further advice on criminal and child exploitation - Criminal Exploitation | Ipswich Borough Council.

14 January 2025