Greater Manchester serious crime campaign

Greater Manchester serious crime campaign

With several recent gun and knife crimes taking place in Greater Manchester, we're making local people aware of our independent crime reporting service, helping them to be confident that they can share violent crime information and remain 100% anonymous - always. Guaranteed.

Call us anonymously on 0800 555 111 or go to our online form:
Many people have serious concerns about reporting serious crimes like these in Manchester. They understandably fear retaliation from the criminals they report, if they find out who reported them.

This is why our completely anonymous reporting service is so valuable to your community.

We’re an independent charity that gives you the power to speak up to stop weapons and drug crime, 100% anonymously.


Do you have information on:
  • Anyone in your area that carries a knife or gun?
  • Where a weapon has been hidden or stored?
  • Who is supplying and selling guns?
  • How and by who are these guns being transported into Manchester?
  • Those who have carried out recent shootings or stabbings?
  • How weapons are disposed of after use?

Drug crime

Do you have information on:
  • Who controls the drug trade in the area?
  • What drug phone lines are they operating and what names are they using?
  • What social media platforms are they using to advertise the drugs, and have you their details?
  • How are those who are being exploited by them targeted and recruited?
  • How are they moving their illegal funds and where is the money going?
Your information can help save lives and make the area safer for you and your family.

Complete peace of mind

Your computer's IP addresses are never traced and no-one will ever know you contacted us. For telephone calls, we have no caller line display, no 1471 facility and have never traced a call.
OUR Guarantee of Anonymity

Give information 100% anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online here:
give information anonymously

Multiple languages

If English isn't your first language, we take telephone calls in over 140 different languages, and our online reporting form is also available in all those languages. Simply go to the language option at the top of this page for these languages.

Give information 100% anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online here:

give information anonymously

8 March 2023