Burglaries across Cleveland

Burglaries across Cleveland

Help keep your community safe.

We've launched a campaign targeting burglary, asking members of the public to give us any information they may have about this crime, safe in the knowledge that they will remain 100% anonymous – guaranteed.

Burgled bedroom

The number of residential burglaries in Cleveland has actually fallen slightly over the last year (by 2.7% in the last 12 months ending January 2024). 

Whilst this reduction is good news, there were still over 3,750 residential burglaries in that period - an average of more than 10 every day of the year.

So it's still worth ensuring, even when you're at home, that you lock doors and windows. Don’t give the opportunity for anyone to enter uninvited. Even if you’re only going out for a few minutes, check that all doors and windows are properly closed and locked.


Burglary has a huge impact on victims, not just financially but emotionally too.  

As well as the loss of personal possessions, some of which will be sentimental, victims may also feel distressed that someone has been in their own home, a place where they once felt secure.  

tell us what you know - call free on 0800 555 111 or fill in our online form, here on our website.

A few years ago a study was commissioned by Churchill Insurance into the impact of burglary* on those that had suffered a break-in. They wanted to know how the victim felt after the break-in and what effect this had on their lives.

The research found that the worst aspect for the victim was the knowledge that someone had been in their home. 45% of victims said that this had caused significant anguish. Perhaps more surprising is the loss of valuables, which only 26% said was an issue. 29% of victims were upset to lose sentimental items.

In terms of the impact that burglary had, victims stated the following:

  • 25% found it hard to sleep
  • 13% moved house
  • 12% said they lost confidence
  • 11% didn’t want to be alone in the property
  • 8% became ill
  • 8% struggled to concentrate at work
  • 7% had to take medication for anxiety
  • 6% required counselling
  • 6% had to take medication to enable them to sleep
  • 5% were diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder

A high percentage of burglaries are considered preventable by the police (because of factors such as insufficient security and even simple things like not locking doors). 

In addition, about 1 in 4 who have experienced a burglary before will be targeted again in the same property; this reinforces how important it is for us all to do all we can to prevent burglary happening in the first place.

Burglary: keep your community safe and speak up.

The public throughout Cleveland can help keep their homes and their community safer by reporting to Crimestoppers anonymously what they see and know.

What sort of information is useful?

  • Name and details of anyone involved in burglaries.
  • Planned break ins; where and when?
  • Who is selling the personal possessions of victims and where?

With Crimestoppers, personal details are never asked for or stored thanks to our promise of total anonymity, and we're also completely independent of the police.


In an emergency, or if you see a burglary taking place, call the police on 999 or 101.  

Please note: computer IP addresses are never traced, and no-one will ever know you contacted Crimestoppers. For telephone calls, there is no caller line display, no 1471 facility and calls have never been traced.

Top home security tips:

Some measures that will keep your home more secure include:

  1. Even if you’re only leaving for a few minutes, check that all doors and windows are properly closed and locked.
  2. If you can, fit burglar alarms with flashing lights and sounders at the front and back of your property.
  3. Switch lights or a radio on when you go out.
  4. Make sure side and back gates are secure.
  5. Don’t leave garden tools outside, keep ladders out of sight and ensure sheds, garages and outbuildings are locked.
  6. Fit tamper-proof automatic outside security lights.
  7. Even when you’re at home, lock and secure doors and windows and try not to leave accessible windows open at night.
  8. If you’re going away on holiday, ask a neighbour to keep an eye on your home and to take in any milk and newspaper deliveries. If you have a vehicle, park on your drive if you have one.
  9. Don’t let yourself become a victim of a distraction burglary, where more than one person calls at your door, trying to dupe you into letting one person burgle you whilst you are distracted by another one.
  10. Refrain from sharing your whereabouts on social media. You never know who is watching.


* Opinium Research interviewed a UK nationally representative sample of 2,000 UK adults on behalf of Churchill Insurance, 24th – 27th January 2017.