Information sharing


On phone

Crimestoppers often receives vital information through the 0800 555 111 public service which we can share with organisations to help them tackle criminal threats targeting their business, customers and communities.

These reports often provide information that would otherwise go undetected relating to wrong-doing, including fraud, and also provide valuable insights into crime trends.

want to learn more? Please click or tap here to Get in touch with us.

B & Q logo“As a major UK DIY retailer, B&Q always looks to forge partnerships with law enforcement bodies - and Crimestoppers is a natural extension of this process.

"For the past two years, Crimestoppers has provided actionable information to B&Q in relation to persistent problematic thieves and organised groups who target our business, along with very useful information regarding where these criminals dispose of stolen property.

"Utilising our bespoke Crime Centre and trained staff, we use this information to work closely with the police, bringing offenders to justice and saving our business money.”

Simon Moss, B&Q Security Manager

want to learn more? Please click or tap here to Get in touch with us.