Give information 100% anonymously about organised crime in London

We all have an important role to play in helping to keep London safe from criminal gangs and drug dealing. 

Organised Crime Groups (OCGs) are operating in the area – running Class A drugs lines, cannabis farms and other illegal enterprises that are causing serious harm to our communities. 

They will often exploit vulnerable people, including children, by recruiting them to distribute drugs, carry weapons - including firearms - and use violence.  

This campaign highlights to communities across London that we're here to help. As an independent charity offering the unique opportunity to tell someone what you know about crimes and those involved, and remain 100% anonymous - no one but you will ever know that you contacted us.

Young man with head in hands

Anonymous community information from residents and businesses is vital to stopping them in their tracks.

If you know about or suspect organised crime and drug dealing activity, contact us 100% anonymously.

Speak up. Stay safe. Stop crime.

Call free on 0800 555 111 or go to our online form:

Give informaation anonymously

Serious and organised crime: one gang - many crimes

One of the features of OCGs is that they are often involved in several criminal activities, with each crime feeding off the other.

This is why your information matters. It allows the relevant authorities to build a more accurate crime intelligence picture in London so they can take action to prevent crime and protect our communities for generations to come.

Learn more about County Lines and cuckooing:

Find out more  

Your information can help save lives and make London safer for you and your family.

Complete peace of mind

Your computer's IP addresses are never traced and no-one will ever know you contacted us. For telephone calls, we have no caller line display, no 1471 facility and have never traced a call.

Call free on 0800 555 111 or go to our online form:

Give information anonymously

21 November 2023