Burglaries in Greater Manchester: five signs to spot that you can tell us about

Man breaking into houseWe've launched a new campaign across Greater Manchester to help people keep their properties safer and more secure.

We're calling on anyone who knows about those involved in burglaries, selling stolen goods or targeting the vulnerable to contact us, 100% anonymously - guaranteed.

Ransacked bedroomTell us what you know - call free on 0800 555 111 or fill in our online form, here on our website:

Give information anonymously

Burglary is not a victimless crime. It’s incredibly traumatic to lose valuables and important personal items you need from your home – and the emotional shock of having your property invaded can also be deeply upsetting.

  • Always keep your house and garage doors locked. 
  • Fit secure locks to your shed. 
  • Fit window locks. 
  • Put indoor lights on a timer.
  • Fit external lights on a timer or sensor 
  • Install a video doorbell. 

Burglary: five signs to spot and speak up about

The pubic in Greater Manchester can also help keep their homes and their community safer by reporting to Crimestoppers anonymously what they see and know.

What sort of information is useful?

  • Name and details of anyone involved in burglaries.
  • Planned break ins; where and when?
  • Information about gangs who target vulnerable victims.
  • Who is selling stolen goods and where?
  • Details about people stealing car keys from homes and then their cars

With Crimestoppers, personal details are never asked for or stored thanks to our promise of total anonymity, and we're also completely independent of the police.

Help keep your and your neigbours’ homes safe by reporting what you know to Crimestoppers: it’s fast, simple, and anonymous.

Know something or somone? Tell us anonymously: 0800 555 111 or fill in our online form:

Give information anonymously

In an emergency, or if you see a burglary taking place, call the police on 999 or 101.  

Please note: computer IP addresses are never traced, and no-one will ever know you contacted Crimestoppers. For telephone calls, there is no caller line display, no 1471 facility and calls have never been traced.

14 February 2024