Tackling County Lines drug dealing in Scotland

Tackling County Lines drug dealing in Scotland

We're highlighting the exploitation of vulnerable people in our new campaign to tackle County Lines drug dealing in Scotland.

We've launched a new campaign in partnership with Network Rail to highlight how criminal ‘County Lines’ gangs target young people and exploit them to carry cash, drugs and weapons. 

The campaign aims to raise awareness of County Lines, which is when criminals expand their drug networks to Scottish cities and towns, bringing serious criminal behaviour such as violence, exploitation and abuse.

The term County Lines refers to the use of a single telephone number to order illegal drugs, operated from outside the local area.

This is having a massive impact on Scotland’s towns and cities and also on vulnerable children and adults who are being exploited. Young people often transport cash and drugs all over the country, so that the criminals behind them can remain detached and are less likely to be caught.

Many travel by public transport using the rail network, which is why Network Rail has pledged their support by raising awareness of the problem and are encouraging staff and passengers to become familiar with the signs of exploitation.

The gangs often set up a base in a rural area for a short time, taking over the home of a vulnerable person by ‘cuckooing’ and use adults and children to act as drug runners.
“County Lines isn’t necessarily a term people are familiar with, but as a charity it’s important we raise awareness of this issue and help tackle it.

“Gangs coming into our communities here in Scotland are not welcome. We want to ensure that if they do decide to set up their operation here, that your information can help get them removed and keep our communities safe.

“When you contact us, we won’t judge or ask any personal details. All we want to know is what you know. We guarantee you’ll remain 100% anonymous. Always.

"If you have any information about who is responsible for County Lines violence and exploitation, please contact us 100% anonymously on 0800 555 111 or use the simple and secure anonymous online form here on our website.”
Angela Parker, Crimestoppers Scotland National Manager