How we are funded


Our work relies on our supporters, who demonstrate their exceptional commitment to our cause. 

At Crimestoppers, we rely heavily on generating income from our supporters, trusts and foundations and the public through donations and funding. Together, we share a central goal of making our communities and workplaces safe and secure.

We want you to feel confident that we’re spending our money wisely. That’s why we’re committed to being open about how we're funded and managed.

Who are our supporters?

These are:

  • our corporate partners who pay for a range of specialist services
  • our generous individual donors
  • our brilliant volunteers who give their time and energy
  • community partners and police who share their information with us.


Our partners are crucial to our work. In addition to valuable financial support, our anonymous reporting services gives organisations and public sector bodies important intelligence. This helps them better prevent and disrupt criminal activities.

Law enforcement community

The support we receive from the Home Office, Police and Crime Commissioners and local constabularies is vital to our success in encouraging more people to speak up and stop crime. They help our tailored campaigns tackle specific types of crimes at a local level.

Read our Annual Impact Report and about our finances to find out more about how we are funded.