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Our youth service boosts efforts to keep young people safe from crime

Our youth service Fearless has launched a new campaign across Bulwell and Clifton to raise awareness of how it can help keep young people safe from crime.

The website offers young people non-judgemental advice so they can make informed decisions about lifestyle choices and realise that they have options when reporting crime. Young people can also pass on information about crime 100% anonymously by using a secure online form. 

The campaign is the first of four campaigns to run into early next year as part of the Safer Streets Initiative, delivered by Nottinghamshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner and Violence Reduction Partnership. 

“Young people often have negative perceptions of authorities, such as the police, and therefore can be reluctant to speak up about crime. 

“ is shaped around supporting them to make a positive change in their perceptions, confidence, attitudes and actions. Ultimately, we want to help all young people to make informed decisions about reporting crime and steer them away from trouble. That way they’ll reach their full potential.

“Crime information can be passed 100% anonymously via the website, without the fear of any repercussions. Our charity has always kept its promise of anonymity to everyone who contacts us.” 

 Lydia Patsalides, Crimestoppers East Midlands Regional Manager

More information on Fearless and the resources it has available for young people and professionals can be found on the site.